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Lloguer de motocicletes i scooters a

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Lloguer de motocicletes i scooters a Vilnius

Descobrir Vilnius amb moto de lloguer

Vols reservar una moto? No busquis més! Lloguer de motos a Vilnius per dies, setmanes i mesos. Mai ha estat tan fàcil.

Així que tria la teva moto. Com? Molt fàcil! Busca, reserva en línia i paga a través del lloc web. Viatja per Vilnius al teu ritme. Oblida’t dels problemes.

Amb una moto, tot és ràpid, fàcil i sense estrès. Sí, tot canvia. Tu decideixes. No t'ho creus? Condueixes i aparques on vulguis. No hi ha horaris. Sense límits. Ho veus? Així doncs, esperaràs més?

Vilnius It is the capital of Lithuania, this city known for its baroque architecture and with more or less half a million inhabitants, is a little-known destination, but at the same time very interesting, where its calm, hospitable and friendly people will always be attentive and with want to help you.

This city is located in the southeast of the country and located about 30 km from the border with Belarus and at the junction of the Vilna and Neris rivers.

Vilnius Old Town is one of the best preserved in all of Europe and we highly recommend visiting it.

In Vilnius, people speak Lithuanian, but there is usually no problem with English, since most of the population understands and speaks it correctly.

What do I need to rent a scooter in Vilnius?

If your driver's license is European and you want to rent a motorcycle up to 125cc, all you have to do is present your type B car driver's license for more than three years.

For motorcycles with a higher cylinder capacity, you must have an A card.

If you are not a European citizen you have to carry an equivalent license in your country of origin, in this case it is advisable to get an international card.

Are the motorcycles insured?

All motorcycles have third party insurance.

Make your scooter rental in Vilnius a safe experience:

At the signing of the contract we request a damage franchise deposit charged to your credit card that we return upon completion. It is essential that you have a credit card, we accept the usual Visa or MasterCard and to a lesser extent Amex.

On the other hand, www.rentalmotorbike.com offers the possibility of getting medical and trip cancellation insurance, these are optional, but highly recommended.

Driving a motorcycle in Vilnius:

When it comes to driving or taking a motorcycle around Vilnius and in the summer months, we can say that it is the most suitable, versatile and comfortable vehicle to be able to move around this city and reach your destination comfortably and quickly, it is also perfect to get lost on its roads and discover its surroundings.

The best time to visit this city is from April to October, since that is when the temperatures are more comfortable (they are between 15 and 30 degrees), on the other hand, in winter (from November to March) the temperatures can drop a lot and not it is advisable to go by motorcycle.

Advantages of driving a motorcycle in Vilnius and what to visit?

In addition to moving freely, you can park very close to the main tourist attractions of the city, such as: The Church of Santa Ana, the Tower of Gediminas, the Gate of Aurora, its cathedral or the museum of the victims of the genocide.

Upon your arrival in Vilnius you can come to our base to pick up the motorcycle or if you prefer, we can bring it to the airport or your hotel, with a small supplement.

Once you have the motorcycle in your possession, we recommend some of the best restaurants in the city so you can enjoy Lithuanian cuisine.

Restaurante Telegrafas, incredible restaurant located in front of the cathedral

Lauro Lapas Restaurant or Amandus Restaurant.

In short, if you travel to Lithuania and rent a scooter in Vilnius, we are sure that you will enjoy it and come back with good memories.

Com funciona Rentalmotorbike?

Puja a la moto i dona gas per Vilnius!

Descobreix la Moto Perfecta

Utilitza els nostres filtres per ajustar la recerca segons el teu estil, ubicació, dates i totes aquestes coses.

Posa't en marxa amb la Reserva

Selecciona la moto que desperti el teu esperit motard i fes la reserva. Omple les teves dades i espera el senyal del propietari per iniciar la teva pròxima travessa a Vilnius.

Recull la Moto

Abans de sortir, fes una ullada a l'estat de la moto i pren nota de qualsevol ratllada. Si optes per l'entrega a domicili, fes algunes fotos de l'estat de la moto.

Senteix la Brisa de la Llibertat

Ara, deixa't portar pel vent i la sensació de llibertat. Gaudeix del viatge amb una moto de lloguer a Vilnius.

Torna-la com un Pioner

Al final del viatge, torna la moto i comparteix les anècdotes de la teva ruta. Assegura't de revisar la moto junts per tancar aquest capítol ple d'adrenalina.

Comparteix la teva Experiencia

Dóna-li un toc al proveïdor i a la seva màquina. La teva opinió reforça la connexió entre els membres del grup. Recorda, el propietari també et donarà un cop d'ull. Roda amb estil amb el lloguer de motos a Vilnius!

Viatges en moto a Vilnius