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Lloguer de motocicletes i scooters a
Port Elizabeth

Lloguer de motocicletes i scooters a Port Elizabeth

Descobrir Port Elizabeth amb moto de lloguer

¿Vols llogar una moto a Port Elizabeth? No busquis més! Lloguer de motos a Port Elizabeth per dies, setmanes i mesos. Mai ha estat tan fàcil triar un lloguer de motos a Port Elizabeth.

Triomfa entre centenars de motos de tot tipus. És molt fàcil: busca la teva moto ideal, reserva i paga a través de la web. Prepara't per descobrir Port Elizabeth al teu ritme.

Mou-te sense problemes durant el període de lloguer.No t'amoïnis pel trànsit, els horaris i l'aparcament.

Port Elizabeth is a city in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Also known as “friendly city”, for its incredible beaches, wildlife, old towns and interesting museums. Undoubtedly, discovering the city and the rest of the province, by motorcycle or scooter, is the best option.

Here are some tips on how to rent your motorcycle or scooter in Port Elizabeth:

When presenting your motorcycle license in Port Elizabeth, check that your country of origin has a reciprocity agreement with South Africa (Geneva Pact 19-Sep-1949) and that it is equivalent to the license of your country. In this case it is always advisable to carry an international driver's license.

All motorcycles have third party insurance and most include cases and rear trunk included or with additional payment.

Upon your arrival at our rental center, we ask you to show the documentation and we invite you to sign the rental document in your name.

What do I need to rent a scooter in Port Elizabeth?

If your driver's license is European or from another country, and you want to rent a motorcycle up to 125cc, we recommend you take an international driver's license.

Are the motorcycles insured?

All motorcycles have third party insurance and most include cases and rear trunk included or with additional payment.

Make your motorcycle rental in Port Elizabeth a safe experience:

At the signing of the contract we request a damage franchise deposit charged to your credit card that we return upon completion. It is essential that you have a credit card, we accept the usual Visa or MasterCard and to a lesser extent Amex.

All motorcycles have security measures, many of them satellite tracking devices and optional locks.

What is it like to ride a motorcycle in Port Elizabeth?

Driving through Port Elizabeth is a unique experience. First of all it is important to know that you drive on the left. As for the roads, those close to the city are in perfect condition, but those that move away from it, you will discover that they are not the best to travel by motorcycle. It is important to avoid rush hours, as there is usually a lot of heavy traffic. The maximum speed in urban areas is 60 km/h, 100 km/h on highways and 120 km/h on highways. However, you will see that the inhabitants do not usually respect these limits. It is normal to see people walking on the shoulders of the road and animals crossing you. To avoid problems, we recommend not driving at night, as this is when the carjackers act. The use of the helmet is mandatory.

What are the advantages of driving a motorcycle in Port Elizabeth?

Driving a motorcycle through Port Elizabeth is undoubtedly the freest and most practical way to move around the city and the province, enjoying 100% of its incredible landscapes and being able to modify the route and the time whenever you want. In addition, parking the motorcycle will not be a problem, there are many very cheap and guarded covered parking lots. If you can't find any parking, there are also places where someone watches your motorcycle in exchange for a small tip. It will not cost you more than €1.

If you arrive in the city by plane, we will deliver your motorcycle or scooter with a small supplement at its main airport: Port Elizabeth International Airport.

If you arrive by train and prefer to pick up your motorcycle at your own hotel, we deliver and pick up where you prefer.

What tourist attractions in Port Elizabeth can I visit by motorcycle?

In Port Elizabeth you can visit attractions by motorcycle such as the coastal strait of Nelson Mandela Bay and discover the following beaches: Hobie, Kings, Humewood and Denville.

You can also visit the Donkin Preserve and enjoy trails, an opera house and bird species. In St George Park, you'll find the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Prince Alfred Guards Memorial.

If you want to get away from the city and get to know more attractions in the region, we recommend you travel along the northeast coast to reach the Wild Coast. Also visit the Addo Elephant National Park, in the center of the province, and observe its impressive wildlife. The Great Karoo and the Valley of Desolation are other places we recommend.

All in all, riding a motorcycle or scooter in Port Elizabeth is a totally safe and undoubtedly unforgettable experience.

Com funciona Rentalmotorbike?

Puja a la moto i dona gas per Port Elizabeth!

Descobreix la Moto Perfecta

Utilitza els nostres filtres per ajustar la recerca segons el teu estil, ubicació, dates i totes aquestes coses.

Posa't en marxa amb la Reserva

Selecciona la moto que desperti el teu esperit motard i fes la reserva. Omple les teves dades i espera el senyal del propietari per iniciar la teva pròxima travessa a Port Elizabeth.

Recull la Moto

Abans de sortir, fes una ullada a l'estat de la moto i pren nota de qualsevol ratllada. Si optes per l'entrega a domicili, fes algunes fotos de l'estat de la moto.

Senteix la Brisa de la Llibertat

Ara, deixa't portar pel vent i la sensació de llibertat. Gaudeix del viatge amb una moto de lloguer a Port Elizabeth.

Torna-la com un Pioner

Al final del viatge, torna la moto i comparteix les anècdotes de la teva ruta. Assegura't de revisar la moto junts per tancar aquest capítol ple d'adrenalina.

Comparteix la teva Experiencia

Dóna-li un toc al proveïdor i a la seva màquina. La teva opinió reforça la connexió entre els membres del grup. Recorda, el propietari també et donarà un cop d'ull. Roda amb estil amb el lloguer de motos a Port Elizabeth!

¿Per què Triar-nos per a la teva Aventura en moto per Port Elizabeth?

Acelera la teva Moto amb una Flota Impressionant

Recorre Port Elizabeth amb estil gràcies a la nostra destacada selecció de motocicletes i scooters de primera. Parlem de BMW, Harley Davidson, Yamaha i Honda, l'equip somiat de meravelles de dues rodes. Cada moto rep un tracte VIP, assegurant la teva seguretat i comoditat mentre recorres els revolts de Port Elizabeth i més enllà.

Adaptat al teu Estil

Aquesta és la teva aventura, el teu gust. Agafa les regnes i tria una moto que s'ajusti al teu estil i plans d'aventura. Ens encanta donar-te la llibertat de conduir a la teva manera.

Sense Sorpreses, només Pura Alegria

Diu adéu a l'estrès del pressupost. La nostra tarifació és cristal·lina, sense costos ocults amagats a les ombres. La teva aventura hauria de ser pura alegria i exploració sense adulterar.

Flexibilitat i Estalvi de Costos

Entenem que els plans canvien. Per això, les nostres tarifes són tan flexibles com els teus plans de viatge. Paga pel temps que necessitis la moto i mira com aquestes tarifes innecessàries desapareixen a l'aire. La teva cartera t'ho agrairà.

Conducció i Estalvi de Temps

Per què complicar-se? El nostre servei d'entrega i recollida porta la moto directament a la teva porta. Menys complicacions, més aventura. Concentra't en la carretera, no en la logística. Que rodin els bons moments!

Viatges en moto a Eastern Cape