4 Tage
* Falls die Mindestteilnehmerzahl nicht erreicht wird, kann die Tour abgesagt oder zusätzliche Gebühren erhoben werden.
BAJA is short for Peninsula de Baja California, which means the peninsula of California in México. BAJA is the mecca for off road races in México, and worldly known for the Score Series: Baja 250, 400, 400 and 1000. The reason is because it’s the perfect geographical location due to its diverse terrain and unique scenery. We offers you an experience unlike any other by taking you touring BAJA Noth peninsula. We assure you that you will remember this trip for the rest of your life.
Our certified staff is professional and our infrastructure and logistics are the most important factors that will give you the opportunity to never have to worry and allow you to enjoy your trip fully More than 700 tour miles are awaiting for you. We welcome you to look at the details provided for this trip.
Give yourself the opportunity to live, feel and enjoy BAJA.
Tag 1 Ensenada - Ensenada - 0
Tag 2 Mike's Sky Rancho - 350
Tag 3 Mike's Sky Rancho - Ejido Eréndira - 400
Tag 4 Ejido Eréndira - Ensenada - 0
Was enthalten ist
Preis des Zuschlags: $0.00
Wichtiger Hinweis im Falle einer Stornierung: Flugtickets, Zuschläge und optionale Leistungen, die für diese Reise abonniert wurden, unabhängig vom Grundprogramm, unterliegen 100% Stornogebühren. |
Andere Touren in Mexiko
4 Tage
+44 203 769 00 23
+1 201 478 89 64