接触 グループ ヘルプ

La Gomera

La Gomeraのブランド - あなたのスタイル


La Gomeraであなたのタイプのオートバイを見つけよう

Scooter Custom
オートバイとスクーターのレンタル  La Gomera

発見する La Gomera レンタルバイク付き

バイクを予約したいですか?検索はここで終了です! La Gomeraでのバイクレンタル:日単位、週単位、月単位。 こんなに簡単だったことはありません。

では、バイクを選んでください。どうやって?とても簡単です!検索し、オンラインで予約し、ウェブサイトを通じて支払いを行ってください。 La Gomeraを自分のペースで旅してください。面倒なことはすべて忘れてください。

バイクがあれば、すべてが速くて簡単でストレスフリーです。 はい、すべてが変わります。あなたが決めるのです。信じられませんか?あなたは好きなところで運転し、駐車できます。スケジュールはありません。制限もありません。わかりますか?それなら、まだ待つつもりですか?

La Gomera is a Spanish island belonging to the Canary Islands archipelago, within the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. With more than 600 km of trails, you can enjoy its valleys covered with palm trees, ravines, lush forests and black sand beaches and crystal clear waters. Undoubtedly, discovering it by motorcycle or scooter will be the best option.

Here we give you some tips on how to rent your motorcycle or scooter in La Gomera:

If your driving license is European and you want to rent a motorcycle up to 125cc, all you have to do is present your type B car driving license for more than three years.

If you are not a European citizen you have to carry an equivalent license in your country of origin, in this case an international license is recommended.

All motorcycles have third-party insurance and most include helmets and rear trunk included or with additional payment.

Upon your arrival at our rental center, we ask you to show the documentation and we invite you to sign the rental document in your name.

What do I need to rent a motorcycle in La Gomera?

If your driving license is European and you want to rent a motorcycle up to 125cc, all you have to do is present your type B car driving license for more than three years.

If you are not a European citizen you have to carry an equivalent license in your country of origin, in this case an international license is recommended.

Are the motorcycles insured?

All motorcycles have third party insurance and most include cases and rear trunk included or with additional payment.

Make your motorcycle rental in La Gomera a safe experience:

At the signing of the contract, we request a damage excess deposit charged to your credit card, which we return upon completion. It is essential that you have a credit card, we accept the usual Visa or MasterCard and to a lesser extent Amex.

All motorcycles have security measures, many of them satellite tracking devices and optional locks.

What is it like to drive a motorcycle in La Gomera?

Driving through La Gomera is not very complicated, thanks to the fact that most of its roads are in very good condition. There are no highways and most roads are narrow and winding, with steep inclines and sharp turns. The speed limit in towns and cities is 50 km/h and on secondary roads it is 90 km/h. In case of rain, you should drive with caution, since it does not usually rain much and, with the dust on the road, it is easier to slip. Driving is on the right and the use of a helmet is mandatory. Breathalyzer tests are very frequent and the blood alcohol limit is 0.5 mg.

What are the advantages of driving a motorcycle in La Gomera?

Without a doubt, driving a motorcycle or scooter around La Gomera is the best and most practical option. You will be able to move around the entire island in an easy and free way, being able to modify the route whenever you want. Although it is prohibited to park in areas with white or yellow lines, there is a wide variety of free parking spaces for motorcycles, as well as being able to park very close to places of interest, saving you time and money.

If you arrive in the city by plane, we will deliver your motorcycle or scooter with a small supplement at its main airport: La Gomera Airport.

If you arrive by ferry and prefer to pick up your motorcycle at your own hotel, we deliver and pick up wherever you prefer.

What tourist attractions in La Gomera can I visit by motorcycle?

In La Gomera, you can visit attractions by motorcycle such as its capital: San Sebastián de La Gomera, to discover its streets and colonial houses. Also, the Roque de Agando, a ravine 1,247 meters high.

The Cedar Forest is part of the Garajonay National Park, which you can perfectly explore on a motorcycle. The Abrante Viewpoint, the Meriga Dam, the Chipude Fortress, the Gran Rey Valley, the Arure Ravine and the San Isidro Hermitage are essential places to visit.

You won't be able to say goodbye to the island without trying some of its typical dishes such as: El Almogrote, the famous wrinkled potatoes with their mojo or watercress stew.

All in all, driving a motorcycle or a scooter in La Gomera is a completely safe and undoubtedly unforgettable experience.

How does Rentalmotorbike work?

バイクに乗って La Gomeraでアクセルを踏んでみてください!




バイクのスピリットを呼び覚ますバイクを選び、予約を行います。あなたの情報を入力し、所有者の合図を待って、次の冒険を La Gomeraで始めましょう。




さあ、風と自由の感触に身を委ねてください。 La Gomeraでのレンタルバイクと共に旅を楽しんでください。




供給業者と彼のバイクを評価してください。あなたの意見は、このグループのつながりを強化します。覚えておいてください、オーナーもあなたを注意深く見ています。 La Gomeraでのバイクレンタルでスタイリッシュに移動しましょう!

オートバイ旅行 La Gomera
