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Final price:

Only $40.46 per day

Rent Peugeot Tweet 125 in Málaga or similar Scooter

From: 04-05-2024 10:00 Until: 04-08-2024 13:00
Rent Peugeot Tweet 125 in Málaga
125 c.c.
8 kw
800 mm
109 kg

Pay $32.37 now and the rest in destination

Driver's helmet
$0.00 / day

Passenger helmet
$10.94 / day

$0.00 / day
Top case
$0.00 / day
Only $40.46 per day
Pay $32.37 now and the rest in destination
Your Bike
Extra services price:


  • Unlimited mileage
  • Limited mileage: 1000 km / day.
    cost per additional km: $0.46
  • Driver's helmet
  • Padlock
  • Hotel or airport delivery
    Limited to the city of the reservation.
  • Top case
  • Side cases
  • Third-party Insurance
  • Deposit: $514.59 to pay at destination
  • Minimum age: 20 years
  • License: B (3 years), A1, A2 or A
  • International license could be required.
  • Min. Experience: 2 years


Política de combustible: Full/Full. El vehículo se entrega con el depósito lleno de combustible y se debe devolver con el depósito lleno, en caso contrario se cargará el combustible consumido. Todas la motos cuentan con seguro obligatorio de responsabilidad civil a terceros. Fuel Policy: Full/Full. The vehicle is delivered with a full tank of fuel and must be returned with a full tank, otherwise the fuel consumed will be charged. All the bikes have mandatory insurance against civil liability to third parties.

Al menos 3 años demostrables de posesión del carnet de coche (Solo para conductores con carnet de conducir español). En caso contrario deberá de estar en posesión del carnet de conducción de ciclomotor o motocicleta.

At least 3 years of a Car Driven License. (Only for Spanish Driven Licenses) If not, the renter must have a motorcycle driven license.