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Famagusta, Cyprus

摩托车和小型摩托车租赁 Famagusta, Cyprus

发现 Famagusta, Cyprus 租赁摩托车

想在Famagusta, Cyprus租一辆摩托车? 不用再找了! 在Famagusta, Cyprus租一天、一周或一个月的摩托车。 租用摩托车在Famagusta, Cyprus从未如此简单。

有数百种摩托车可供选择。很简单:找到您理想的摩托车,预订并在线支付。准备好以自己的节奏探索Famagusta, Cyprus。


Here are some tips on how to rent your bike or scooter in Famagusta:

If your driver’s license is European and you want to rent a motorcycle up to 125cc, simply present your type B car driver’s license for more than three years.

If you are not a European citizen you have to carry an equivalent licence in your home country, in this case it is advisable to carry an international card.

All bikes have third party insurance and most include cases and rear trunk included or with additional payment.

Upon arrival at our rental center, we ask you to show the documentation and invite you to sign the rental document in your name. 

What do I need to rent a motorcycle in Famagusta?
If your driver’s license is European and you want to rent a motorcycle up to 125cc, simply present your type B car driver’s license for more than three years.

If you are not a European citizen you have to carry an equivalent licence in your home country, in this case it is advisable to carry an international card.
Are the bikes secure?
All motorcycles have third-party insurance and most include cases and rear trunk included or with additional payment.
Make your bike rental in Famagusta a safe experience:
At the signing of the contract we request a free deposit of damages with charge on your credit card that we return at the end. It is essential that you have a credit card, we accept the usual Visa or MasterCard and to a lesser extent Amex.

All motorcycles have safety features, many with satellite tracking devices and optional padlocks

What are the advantages of riding a motorcycle in Famagusta?

There are hundreds of gaps to park your motorcycle. You can go to very attractive mountain destinations touristically speaking like:

  • Kanli Dere River
  • Salamis (ruins)

What tourist attractions can I find in Famagusta?

  • Fortress Othello-Turm
  • Mosque
  • Church of Saint George of the Greeks
  • Namik Kemal dungeon
  • Iconic Museum and Monastery of Saint Barnabas

All in all, riding a motorbike or scooter in Famagusta is a completely safe and undoubtedly unforgettable experience.


骑上摩托车,在Famagusta, Cyprus油门开走吧!




选择唤醒你摩托车精神的机车并进行预订。填写你的信息,等待业主的信号,开始你在Famagusta, Cyprus的下一次旅程。




现在,让风和自由的感觉带你飞翔。与在Famagusta, Cyprus租赁的摩托车一起享受旅行吧。




评价供应商及其摩托车。你的意见加强了这个圈子的联系。记住,老板也会留意你。在Famagusta, Cyprus租摩托车,以时尚的方式出行吧!

为什么选择我们在Famagusta, Cyprus进行摩托车冒险?


通过我们出色的一流摩托车和滑板车阵容,以时尚的方式穿越Famagusta, Cyprus。我们谈论的是BMW,哈雷戴维森,雅马哈和本田 - 两轮奇迹的梦幻团队。每辆摩托车都受到VIP待遇,确保您在穿越Famagusta, Cyprus及更远的弯道时的安全和舒适。








为什么要把事情弄复杂呢?我们的交付和取车服务将摩托车直接送到你的门口。少些麻烦,多些冒险 - 集中精力在路上,而不是后勤。让美好时光滚动!