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オートバイとスクーターのレンタル Antofagasta

発見する Antofagasta レンタルバイク付き

Antofagasta でバイクを借りたいですか?もう探す必要はありません! Antofagasta でのバイクのレンタルは、日、週、月単位で利用できます。 Antofagasta でのバイクのレンタルを選ぶのはこれまでになく簡単です。

さまざまな種類のバイクから選びましょう。とても簡単です:理想のバイクを見つけ、ウェブを通じて予約して支払います。あなたのペースでAntofagasta を発見する準備をしてください。


It is a coastal city in Chile that is known among the natives of the area as "The Pearl of the North", due to its cultural, historical relevance and of course economic development.

Here are some tips on how to rent your motorcycle or scooter in Antofagasta:

If your driver's license is European and you want to rent a motorcycle up to 125cc, just present your type B car driver's license for more than three years.

If you are not a European citizen you have to carry an equivalent license in your country of origin, in this case an international card is recommended.

All motorcycles have third party insurance and most include helmets and rear trunk included or with additional payment.

Upon your arrival at our rental center, we ask you to show the documentation and we invite you to sign the rental document in your name.

What do I need to rent a motorcycle in Antofagasta?

If your driver's license is European and you want to rent a motorcycle up to 125cc, just present your type B car driver's license for more than three years.

If you are not a European citizen you have to carry an equivalent license in your country of origin, in this case an international card is recommended.

Are the motorcycles insured?

All motorcycles have third party insurance and most include cases and rear trunk included or with additional payment.

Make your bike rental in Antofagasta a safe experience:

At the signing of the contract we request a damage franchise deposit charged to your credit card that we return upon completion. It is essential that you have a credit card, we accept the usual Visa or MasterCard and to a lesser extent Amex.

All motorcycles have security measures, many of them satellite tracking devices and optional locks.

Why do you have to visit Antofagasta?

Because Antofagasta has many cultural and natural attractions, see: La Rinconada beach or the Estación Cultural Center, which is a historical monument.

What are the advantages of driving a motorcycle in Antofagasta?

Driving a motorcycle through the city is one of the fastest means that exists in Antofagasta. It won't cost you anything to go see these mountain destinations:

  • Ruins of Huanchaca
  • La Chimba National Reserve
  • Morro Moreno National Park and Llullaillaco

What tourist attractions can I find in Antofagasta?

What everyone visits is the Natural Monument La Portada, it is about some volcanic rocks that are found near the coast of the Pacific Ocean, where strong waves break.

Under the dependency of the Universidad del Norte de Antofagasta (in 1964) the Regional Museum of Antofagasta was created, which after two decades later, they had to close it to the public so that two years later, removals of the collections to the building of the former Maritime Government of the City.

You can see the Clock Tower, declared a National Monument, in Plaza Colón, which was a donation from the British colony.

The sculpture "The Hand of the Desert" is a statue of a giant hand. According to its author, each tourist may have a different concept of its meaning. Some say it represents the victims of the 1973-1990 military dictatorship, while others say it is the city saying goodbye to foreigners.

Croatia Park, is a green lung where various cultural and recreational activities are carried out, which makes it one of the main points of reference in Antofagasta.

All in all, driving a motorcycle or scooter in Antofagasta is a totally safe and undoubtedly unforgettable experience.


バイクに乗ってAntofagasta でアクセルを踏んでみてください!




バイクのスピリットを呼び覚ますバイクを選び、予約を行います。あなたの情報を入力し、所有者の合図を待って、次の冒険をAntofagasta で始めましょう。




さあ、風と自由の感触に身を委ねてください。 Antofagasta でのレンタルバイクと共に旅を楽しんでください。




供給業者と彼のバイクを評価してください。あなたの意見は、このグループのつながりを強化します。覚えておいてください、オーナーもあなたを注意深く見ています。Antofagasta でのバイクレンタルでスタイリッシュに移動しましょう!

なぜAntofagasta のバイク冒険において当社を選ぶべきか?


当社の一流のバイクとスクーターの優れたラインナップで、スタイリッシュにAntofagasta を巡る。BMW、ハーレーダビッドソン、ヤマハ、ホンダといった、夢の2輪ワンダーチームをご紹介します。各バイクはVIPの扱いを受け、Antofagasta やそれ以上の曲がり道を走行する際には、安全性と快適さが確保されます。









オートバイ旅行 Antofagasta