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Lloguer de motocicletes i scooters a

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Scooter Trail Custom
Lloguer de motocicletes i scooters a Batumi

Descobrir Batumi amb moto de lloguer

Vols reservar una moto? No busquis més! Lloguer de motos a Batumi per dies, setmanes i mesos. Mai ha estat tan fàcil.

Així que tria la teva moto. Com? Molt fàcil! Busca, reserva en línia i paga a través del lloc web. Viatja per Batumi al teu ritme. Oblida’t dels problemes.

Amb una moto, tot és ràpid, fàcil i sense estrès. Sí, tot canvia. Tu decideixes. No t'ho creus? Condueixes i aparques on vulguis. No hi ha horaris. Sense límits. Ho veus? Així doncs, esperaràs més?

Discover Ayaria

It is an Autonomous Republic of Georgia. It is located on the border of Turkey, the Black Sea and at the foot of the Lesser Caucasus mountain range.

Here are some tips on how to rent your bike or scooter in Ayaria:
If your driver’s license is European and you want to rent a motorcycle up to 125cc, simply present your type B car driver’s license for more than three years.

If you are not a European citizen you have to carry an equivalent licence in your home country, in this case it is advisable to carry an international card.

All bikes have third party insurance and most include cases and rear trunk included or with additional payment.

Upon arrival at our rental center, we ask you to show the documentation and invite you to sign the rental document in your name. 
What do I need to rent a motorcycle in Ayaria?
If your driver’s license is European and you want to rent a motorcycle up to 125cc, simply present your type B car driver’s license for more than three years.

If you are not a European citizen you have to carry an equivalent licence in your home country, in this case it is advisable to carry an international card.
Are the bikes secure?
All bikes have third party insurance and most include cases and rear trunk included or with additional payment.
Make your bike rental in Ayaria a safe experience:
At the signing of the contract we request a free deposit of damages with charge on your credit card that we return at the end. It is essential that you have a credit card, we accept the usual Visa or MasterCard and to a lesser extent Amex.

All motorcycles have safety features, many with satellite tracking devices and optional padlocks.

Why do you have to visit Ayaria?
Because it has mountain ridges, lush forests, clear rivers and much more. In Adjara is one of the most important ancient medieval fortresses of Ayaria, called Khikhani, this fortress still preserves towers, churches, the wall and other buildings.
What are the advantages of riding a motorcycle in Ayaria?

As this area is not very touristy, you will easily find many free car parks. Therefore, it will be easy to visit mountain destinations:

-Machakhela National Park
-Kintrishi Nature Reserve
-Lake Mtsvane Tba

What tourist attractions can I find in Ayaria?

Mtirala National Park is a protected area and the wettest area in Georgia. The word "Mtirala" means weeping, this is because it often rains in this place.

The climate of the Batumi Botanical Garden is subtropical, very humid and warm. In the highest area of the Botanical Garden, you can see beautiful flat surfaces.

Ideal to walk for hours along the promenade of Batumi Boulevard while making a stop for your bike. It is a tourist spot, as there are restaurants, dancing fountains, bungalows, among other attractions.   

The fortress of Gonio, is a Roman fort of Ayaria, in the Black Sea. The name comes with the Greek legends of Absyrtus and Medea

The Cathedral of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin has neo-gothic architecture. In the past it was Catholic but today it is Eastern Orthodox.

Com funciona Rentalmotorbike?

Puja a la moto i dona gas per Batumi!

Descobreix la Moto Perfecta

Utilitza els nostres filtres per ajustar la recerca segons el teu estil, ubicació, dates i totes aquestes coses.

Posa't en marxa amb la Reserva

Selecciona la moto que desperti el teu esperit motard i fes la reserva. Omple les teves dades i espera el senyal del propietari per iniciar la teva pròxima travessa a Batumi.

Recull la Moto

Abans de sortir, fes una ullada a l'estat de la moto i pren nota de qualsevol ratllada. Si optes per l'entrega a domicili, fes algunes fotos de l'estat de la moto.

Senteix la Brisa de la Llibertat

Ara, deixa't portar pel vent i la sensació de llibertat. Gaudeix del viatge amb una moto de lloguer a Batumi.

Torna-la com un Pioner

Al final del viatge, torna la moto i comparteix les anècdotes de la teva ruta. Assegura't de revisar la moto junts per tancar aquest capítol ple d'adrenalina.

Comparteix la teva Experiencia

Dóna-li un toc al proveïdor i a la seva màquina. La teva opinió reforça la connexió entre els membres del grup. Recorda, el propietari també et donarà un cop d'ull. Roda amb estil amb el lloguer de motos a Batumi!

Viatges en moto a Ayaria

Els destins més populars