バイクを予約したいですか?検索はここで終了です! Santiago de Chileでのバイクレンタル:日単位、週単位、月単位。 こんなに簡単だったことはありません。
では、バイクを選んでください。どうやって?とても簡単です!検索し、オンラインで予約し、ウェブサイトを通じて支払いを行ってください。Santiago de Chileを自分のペースで旅してください。面倒なことはすべて忘れてください。
バイクがあれば、すべてが速くて簡単でストレスフリーです。 はい、すべてが変わります。あなたが決めるのです。信じられませんか?あなたは好きなところで運転し、駐車できます。スケジュールはありません。制限もありません。わかりますか?それなら、まだ待つつもりですか?
Santiago de Chile is the largest city and the capital of Chile, as well as one of the most important cities in South America. It is a cosmopolitan city full of parks, bohemian neighborhoods, historic buildings, hills and a great natural environment, perfect to discover by motorcycle or scooter.
Here are some tips on how to rent your motorcycle or scooter in Santiago de Chile:
When you present your motorcycle license in Santiago de Chile, verify that your country of origin has a reciprocity agreement with Chile (Geneva Pact September 19, 1949) and that it is equivalent to the license of your country. In this case, it is always advisable to have an international driving permit.
All motorcycles are covered by civil liability insurance and most come with a helmet and backpack or at an additional cost.
Upon arrival at our rental center, we ask you to present documentation and invite you to sign the rental document on your behalf.
What do I need to rent a motorcycle in Santiago de Chile?
If your driving license is European or from another country and you want to rent a motorcycle up to 125 cc, we recommend that you have an international driving license.
Are the motorcycles insured?
All motorcycles are covered by civil liability insurance and most of them have a suitcase and trunk included or at an additional cost.
Make your motorcycle rental in Santiago de Chile a safe experience:
At the time of signing the contract, we request that a security deposit be debited from your credit card and returned at the end. It is essential that you have a credit card, we accept the usual Visa or MasterCard and, to a lesser extent, Amex.
All motorcycles are equipped with security measures, including a host of satellite tracking devices and optional locks.
What is it like to ride a motorcycle in Santiago de Chile?
Driving in Santiago de Chile is a unique experience, which will require driving experience in the main cities. Chileans tend to respect traffic lights, but sometimes they become confrontational, blocking intersections, changing lanes without signaling, and using their horns a lot. The streets of the city are not very well signposted and in winter it is common to find holes or potholes. It is very important to know that on some main roads the direction of traffic changes during the day; the days on which "pre-emergency" or "emergency" is ordered as an aerial inspection measure. Speed ??is limited to 50 km/h in urban areas, 100 km/h on motorways and 120 km/h on dual carriageways. Speed ??controls are frequent and the use of a helmet is mandatory.
What are the advantages of a motorcycle in Santiago de Chile?
Without a doubt, driving a motorcycle or scooter in Santiago de Chile is the best and most practical option. Being a city where many vehicles circulate, the motorcycle will make it easier for you to get around, you will have much more freedom and you will be able to change routes whenever you want. You will have no problem parking, as there are plenty of free spaces and it is allowed to park on some sidewalks, as long as there is space for pedestrians.
If you arrive in the city by plane, we deliver your motorcycle or scooter with a small supplement at its airport: Santiago de Chile Airport (SCL).
If you arrive by train and prefer to pick up your motorcycle at your hotel, we deliver and pick you up at the place you choose.
What are the tourist attractions of Santiago de Chile that I can visit by motorcycle?
In Santiago de Chile, you can visit tourist attractions such as Cerro San Cristóbal on a motorcycle. In this place you will find several attractions such as the sanctuary and viewpoint of the Virgen del Cerro de San Cristóbal, the cable car, the funicular, swimming pools, the National Zoo of Chile, picnic areas and an astronomical observatory. The Barrio Bellavista, is a neighborhood full of streets with artists, colors, works of art and restaurants, that you cannot miss.
The most emblematic place in the city is the Palacio de la Moneda, with a large white facade and which is currently the seat of the President of Chile. The Plaza de Armas is the historic center of the city and the place where the Metropolitan Cathedral is located. Cerro Santa Lucía is a must see; quiet and green, you will appreciate the vestiges of colonial Chile.
If you want to disconnect from the city, we recommend you visit the Cajón de Maipo: an Andean canyon with incredible natural landscapes. The Museum of Memory and Human Rights, Fantasyland or Parque O'Higgins are must-see places.
Do not leave the city without having tried some of its typical dishes such as Emànda de Pino, Charquicán or one of its famous fish and seafood dishes, nor without enjoying its nightlife, in the region of Constitución, and without trying the famous pisco sours.
Driving a motorcycle or scooter in Santiago de Chile is a completely safe and undoubtedly unforgettable experience.
バイクに乗ってSantiago de Chileでアクセルを踏んでみてください!
バイクのスピリットを呼び覚ますバイクを選び、予約を行います。あなたの情報を入力し、所有者の合図を待って、次の冒険をSantiago de Chileで始めましょう。
さあ、風と自由の感触に身を委ねてください。 Santiago de Chileでのレンタルバイクと共に旅を楽しんでください。
供給業者と彼のバイクを評価してください。あなたの意見は、このグループのつながりを強化します。覚えておいてください、オーナーもあなたを注意深く見ています。Santiago de Chileでのバイクレンタルでスタイリッシュに移動しましょう!